First I want to point out that we support Small Business Computer Networks. Depending on your situation and environment this may play out differently, but for a person with a business to run who may not have the Computer Support or Network Support that they need, here are my thoughts.
1.) I would NEVER ‘upgrade’ any operating system; it is just an all-around bad idea (non windows programs, for certain will not like this). If you’re going to upgrade to a newer operating system it is always best to do a fresh install. If this ‘upgrade’ allows you to do that. SURE!
2.) I would never have an OS on my machine that I could not reload if needed. I have never had a machine that I had NOT had to reload the OS at one point or another (usually several times, during the life of the PC). If you don’t have the installation files, disks, or anything to re-install with, You just lit the fuse and are waiting for the boom.
3.) I’m not a fan of being ‘the first’ to ‘try out’ a new operating system in a business environment where I count on my machine to work every day. You ARE going to have issues, even if they’re just minor ones, (like trying to find printer drivers for windows 10, video card, network card, etc…).
Sure, you may be saving $200 by getting this for free. And if you are a home user GREAT, but for a business user if ANY of the above issues occur – you will spend at least $400 to begin the fix. When your machine dies or has serious issues; You should consider replacement first, THEN get Windows 10, but a business without full time IT should not be fooled by the ‘free upgrade’ offer…Sounds too much like ‘hey kid…wanna piece of candy?’
George J. Gingras <><
Senior Network Engineer
Queen City Business Networks, LLC.
859-525-9898 – Office
Using What We Know To Help Your Business Grow